Recently Google has decided to block all the third-party call recording apps from Google Play Store. As per Google’s new updated policy, the call recording apps will be banned from May 9th. Google is banning these apps due to privacy concerns for the customers. So in today’s article, let’s talk about Google’s decision of banning it in detail. With it said, let’s dive into the article.

In a recent Reddit post, Google announced this new policy. As per Google, these third-party apps use IsAccessibility Tool for unauthorized call recording. The accessibility tool is for disabled persons. Google designed this tool to help disabled persons. With its help, disabled persons can use API for technical purposes. However, Google doesn’t allow the developers to use this technology for call-recording purposes.
Google stated to CNET and said they want to consider innovative and responsible uses of accessibility services. That’s why they are making some changes in their privacy policies. Sometimes, the third-party apps record the call without the other person knowing which is violating people’s privacy.
However, in Android 6 the call recording is already blocked, and in android 10 microphone is eliminated from recording. As per Google’s new policy, the apps which are not eligible for IsAccessibilityTool may use the flag and must meet all the consent requirements. They also clarified that the Accessibility API is not made for remote audio call recording.
Therefore, Google highlighted this issue in their recent webinar. They stated that remote calling means that when the other side person doesn’t know about the recording. The call recording feature is already in-built in Samsung and Xiaomi phones. So the users of these companies can use this feature without any issue. On the other hand, the Goole Phone and Mi Dialer with native call recording will function as usual. This new policy won’t affect these native systems.
Google has introduced this policy for android users because in android one can easily download apps from different sources. For this reason, android is not so secure in terms of personal information. But Apple is more secure because it doesn’t allow users to download apps from any source except the Apple store. Though Google has not revealed the list of those app names.
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