Moon Knight: The Most Powerful Heliopolis Gods in Marvel Comics, Including Khonshu

Moon Knight has set up a showdown between two of Marvel Comics’ most formidable Heliopolis gods, Khonshu and Ammit, as well as a slew of others.

With allusions to the Egyptian gods Khonshu and Ammit, Moon Knight sets a potentially cosmic war in its opening episode. Both of them are among Marvel Comics’ most powerful Heliopolis gods, and there are many more. The Heliopolis gods are comparable to the Marvel Universe’s Asgardians in that they are based on genuine Earth mythology but live in a distinct realm in the comics.

The Heliopolitan gods dwell on a different plane than Earth-616, although they are nevertheless powerful. This is most evident when Khonshu bestows his supernatural abilities on Marc Spector/Steven Grant and proclaims him Moon Knight. Other gods are likely to feature in some capacity, and the show could expand to encompass the entire Heliopolitan dimension as the good vs. evil conflict unfolds.


The Crocodile Cult in Wakanda worships Sobek, an Egyptian divinity. He has the appearance of a person with the head of a crocodile and is also immortal. He possesses superhuman strength and endurance on par with other pantheon superhumans and gods.

Despite the fact that the MCU Moon Knight series concentrates on Ammit, considering the series’ crocodile imagery, it’s possible that Sobek is involved as well. He debuted in Black Panther #3 in 2009, as part of one of the best Black Panther comic book storylines ever.


Thot, or Thoth as he is also known, is immortal, as are the most of the Heliopolitan deities, rendering him essentially impervious to all sorts of attack. He’s also extraordinarily powerful, capable of lifting massive objects and matching the strength of some of the X-toughest Men’s members, such as Colossus.

He is also adored by the Wakandan people, who position him among the Orisha pantheon of gods, as the wisest of the Egyptian gods. Thot has been in a number of issues with the pantheon, which first appeared in The Avengers #117.


Bast, sometimes known as Bastet, is a popular Egyptian deity who appears in many comic book stories. She is an important person in The Orisha in the Marvel Universe. Bast possesses incredible abilities, including as immortality, tremendous strength, and enhanced senses.

Bast also looks to be more powerful than Mephisto, one of Marvel Comics’ most powerful magical entities. When he tried to co-opt T’Challa’s soul, she overpowered him and took Mephisto to her plane of reality against his will.


Among the Heliopolitan deities, Nut is a pivotal figure. She is the Egyptian goddess of the heavens and Osiris’ mother. In many ways, her abilities are unfathomable; she swallows the sun, causing night in Egyptian mythology, and then gives it birth again.

Nut hasn’t played a significant role in Marvel Comics history, although she does appear in Thor #239-241 in a critical narrative creating the Heliopolitan pantheon. Seth utilised her own life force to make the stars of the cosmos burn faster than they should, putting the universe’s existence in jeopardy.


Khonshu is the Egyptian god of the moon, and he is immensely strong, as MCU fans know. He is immortal and can bestow immortality on others by bestowing the Fist of Khonshu upon them. Moon Knight acquired his abilities in this manner, as comic book readers are aware.

Khonshu’s disposition sets him apart from other gods. In the comics, he is shown as greedy and inconsiderate, and in the MCU, this is brought to its logical conclusion. He solely cares about carrying out his form of justice, regardless of the personal toll it takes on his avatars.


Ma’at, the Egyptian goddess of order and a powerful part of the pantheon, is a powerful member of the Egyptian pantheon. Ma’at is one of the many aliases of Oshtur, a powerful entity with a strong mastery of magic and mysticism, particularly the elements of water and air.

Ma’at harnesses the strength and might of her followers and cultivates them throughout the earth. Ammut, a crocodile-like creature of immense power who is not to be confused with Ammit, the deity behind Arthur Harrow in the MCU, is her servant.


Seth is one of the Heliopolitan pantheon’s most powerful and terrifying beings. As he did in Thor #241 in a massive battle against the God of Thunder and Seth’s own family, the son of Nut and brother of Osiris led armies of the undead.

Seth is eternal, and his ruthlessness and calculated ambition set him apart from his kin. While few in the Heliopolitan pantheon show anything else than godlike self-awareness, Seth pushes it to terrifying new heights, making him extremely dangerous.


Horus’ mother and the goddess of fertility is Isis. She possesses incredible power, including the capacity to resurrect the dead. She has complete control over all of the elements, making her one of the Marvel Universe’s most powerful gods.

She also possesses superhuman talents, including immortality, superhuman strength, speed, and agility, in addition to her immortality. In the classic Thor narrative in which she initially appeared, she demonstrated this by fighting against Seth’s army of skeletons.


Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris, and in Thor #241, he proved himself to be Thor’s equal in the epic battle with the dead. Horus is nearly indestructible, with superhuman speed, stamina, and reflexes.

His ability to fly, both in the atmosphere and in space, distinguishes him from his brother Seth and others. Horus can also manipulate energy on a molecular level, allowing him to fire laser beams from his eyes and generate energy blasts.


Osiris is the most powerful god and the leader of the Heliopolitan pantheon. Osiris is the god of the earth, capable of changing matter and energy on a cosmic scale, in addition to his innate immortality and superhuman abilities.

He can use energy manipulation to transfer between realms and realities, such as the dimension where the Heliopolitan pantheon left after leaving Earth. He can also transport a massive pyramid-like vehicle that he uses to travel with other Heliopolitan gods.


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