Kanye West said He is MURDERED! Writes He’s Dead in Dark Poem

The poem is an incredible, detailed account of what it’s like to go through life struggling. And the most surprising part? It turns out that this man who has been living without hope for such a long time actually wrote about his own experiences in order to share them with others and make sense of something very difficult- expressing how hard divorce can be without realizing until now just where he was going wrong at every turn

I’m reading “The Crows” by Wislawa Szymborska which seems pretty appropriate given recent events. It’s about a man who has given up on life and stopped caring about what happens to him. All he wants is to be left alone. However, even in his state he can’t help but notice the world around him. The poem is an incredible, detailed account of what it’s like to go through life struggling. And the most surprising part? It turns out that this man who has been living without hope for such a long time actually wrote about his own experiences in order to share them with others and make sense of something very difficult- expressing how hard divorce can be without realizing until now just where he was going wrong at every turn.

The author’s tone is one that feels both sad and lonely as he reflects on his own death. He was not well-loved by those who knew him, but still cared enough to come visit or leave food for the birds at least once per day – even if no one else noticed what they did in their passing away

This passage starts out with an introduction about how this person felt during certain times from line 1 through 5 which creates suspense until someone tells me I’m dead…

The divorce seems to have taken its toll on Kim. “My kids would dance for me in a home I once led,” she said, seemingly referring back to when they were all still living there with their father until he left months ago.”

He also vents his frustrations … “It seems like everything I read in the papers was wrong.”

He meets his end with a sigh, unprepared for what was about to come. His eyes were glued on the front page of purgatory’s newspaper and he did not see it coming when you approached him in your car as though by chance…you stopped long enough before parking nearby that I managed an opportunity – just enough time perhaps?-to recognize my killer from afar.”

He continued, “I will not explain this new piece for the explanation destroys its magic and true love becomes mundane.”

Kanye West has been known for his unique style of speech, but this time around he may have gone too far. In a new interview with Q Magazine (Q&A) Kanye says that if you explain what your partner means when they say “I love you,” then it destroys the magic and mystery behind true love–which is something we should all strive towards!


While it’s easy to dismiss Kanye’s words as simply those of a disgruntled rapper, there may be some truth to what he’s saying. After all, love is one of the most mysterious and magical things in the world. If we try to understand it too much or explain it away, we run the risk of ruining its magic. So maybe Kanye has a point after all! What do you think? Let us know in the comments.


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