Is Rogue Company Crossplay? How to Cross Save Easy Steps, Account Linking.

Epic Games’ The Rogue Company is currently accessible for free in Open Beta on PCs and consoles. After this news broke, players around the world went into a frenzy. However, many people are curious to see if the game allows cross-platform play or not. If you’ve been asking yourself the same question, then continue reading to know whether or not the title supports crossplay, or how to save your progress during crossplay.

Does Rogue Company Support Crossplay?

Rogue Company has recently risen in popularity and has outperformed all of Hi-Rez Studios’ other titles. This game will be available on a variety of platforms, including Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This leaves room for only one big question! “Does Rogue Company offers crossplay”? Yes, there is no denying it.

Rogue Company is a cross-platform online multiplayer game that enables players to initiate matchmaking across all platforms save for PC. Gamers will only be matched against other pc players when playing this online multiplayer game on a computer. It’s still feasible to match against Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One If you’re dwelling at the same party.

The cross-company option is activated by default, and gamers have no way to disable it. Currently, Xbox seems to be the only platform that lets gamers restrict cross-play. However, this isn’t recommended as you might run into some issues while matchmaking.

Is rogue company crossplay?

Yes, Rogue Company is cross-platform. You can play this game on almost any platform: Xbox One (with compatibility for up to 4 players), PS4, or Nintendo Switch with coverage across all their respective games like arcing goals and coop modes!

Forge An Alliance With Your Friends and Unleash Hell

As simple as pressing a button, you may forge alliances and find connections who will accompany you on your excursions no matter what platform you’re playing on. The screen sign and PlayStation logo next to their nameplate reveal which platform they’re playing on.

if you’re paired with random people and want them to join you on your quest, do so simply by maneuvering through the main menu and bringing up their account details. Rogue Compan is an online team shooter so joining forces with pro players will give you an edge over your rivals. The game also has a ‘Do Not Disturb feature that automatically blocks any party invitations or friend requests.

How To Cross-Save In Rogue Company?

The Cross-save feature allows you to keep your developments synced throughout all of your platforms. However, if you want to cross-save, you’ll need to connect all of your pertinent Rogue Company accounts. All you need to do is enter your username and password on the game’s website and log in with your existing credentials.

Gamers also enjoy the option to link multiple accounts including  PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Epic Games Store. As a next step, decide which system will be your primary account for playing Rogue Company? This perk will let you resume your progress even when you swap platforms.

Rogue Company is an excellent third-person shooter. Try your luck at strikeout game mode or ranked Demolition, if you’re no stranger to battle royale. Every character is well-tailored each with its own unique skill set.

The most recent update includes a beautiful Japanese-inspired aesthetic and also gameplay adjustments to improve the realism of gun skirmishes. The shop has been revamped to make it simpler and less costly for people who wish to switch their main weapon.

How you can disable crossplay in Rogue Company?

This is a huge problem for people who don’t want to play against others on other platforms. There’s no way of disabling crossplay in Rogue Company, so you’ll always have the chance at being matched up with someone from another platform even if that isn’t what YOU prefer!

The aiming is slightly easier on the console due to the built-in assist, but players can still hold a magnum and use their peripheral vision for precise shots.

  1. Crossplay is automatically enabled in Rogue Company
  2. There is no way to disable crossplay
  3. Console players have an advantage due to built-in assist
  4. Magnums aren’t easy to use, especially with peripheral vision


Go on the official Rogue Company cross-play website and link your account with another platform of choice. If you want to be able to play against people on PS4, then make it so that this will become one of YOUR primary accounts too! Then just choose which other game platforms would like for themselves in order to get access through linking – whether they’re Xbox One users or PC gamers who prefer something else entirely…

What if you have a PlayStation account but want access to all of your purchases on PC? If that’s the case, just make sure it’s set as primary and any unlocks or progress will be waiting for ya when logging in. You’ll also get replaced by those unlockables from other linked accounts so there is no need to worry about losing anything!


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