What Words Can Destroy a Narcissist? The Secret Power of Empathic Behavior.

Dealing with narcissists can be a challenging and emotionally draining task. Narcissists are known for their manipulative and self-serving behavior, and they often leave others feeling frustrated and powerless. However, empaths are uniquely positioned to confront and destroy narcissists. In this article, we will explore the power of empathic words in destroying a narcissist and the ways a super-empath can use their extraordinary sensitivity to other people’s feelings.

What is a Super-Empath?

To understand the power of empathic words, it’s essential first to understand what a super-empath is. A super-empath is someone who can not only sense other people’s emotions, but they actually “feel” them in a very real sense. Super-empaths experience what is known as mirror-touch synaesthesia, and it’s very rare. Only about 1.6 percent of the population has this ability. If you have mirror-touch synaesthesia, or MTS, if you see someone touching another person’s face, you will actually feel as if your own face is being touched.

The Attraction Between Empaths and Narcissists

Narcissists and empaths have a surprising attraction for one another. When a narcissist and a super-empath get together, the results can be devastating, particularly for the narcissist. The super-empath understands what’s really going on with the narcissist, and they won’t put up with their manipulative antics. This is what makes the super-empath extremely dangerous to the narcissist.

How Super-Empaths Can Destroy a Narcissist?

The Dangers of a Relationship Between a Super-Empath and a Narcissist

While super-empaths can use their extraordinary sensitivity to other people’s feelings to destroy narcissists, there are significant dangers involved in a relationship between a super-empath and a narcissist. Narcissistic abuse can cause severe emotional and mental distress, making it vital to set clear boundaries between yourself and the narcissist.


The power of empathic words should not be underestimated, particularly for those dealing with narcissists. Super-empaths possess a unique ability to detect and feel the emotions of others, making them perfectly positioned to destroy narcissists. By using empathic words and behaviors, super-empaths can crush the sense of entitlement of a narcissist, undermine their passive-aggression, break their ego, dominate them, deflect their projection, insist on accountability, identify their insecurities, change their mindset, and even mirror their behavior.


Q1: Can a Narcissist be Destroyed?

A: While narcissistic personality disorder is a long-standing and often deeply ingrained condition, it is believed that with consistent and persistent therapy, narcissists can improve their behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

Q2: Is it Possible to Change a Narcissist?

A: While it is possible for narcissists to change, they must first acknowledge that their behaviors are harmful to themselves and others. Without this self-awareness, it is unlikely that a narcissist will change.

Q3: Are Empaths Vulnerable to Narcissistic Abuse?

A: Yes, empaths are often vulnerable to narcissistic abuse due to their compassionate and caring nature. Narcissists often prey on empaths due to their empathic abilities, and it is essential for empaths to set clear boundaries to avoid being manipulated or harmed by narcissists.

Q4: Is it Possible to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse?

A: Yes, healing from narcissistic abuse is possible, but it can be a long and difficult process. Working with a therapist or counselor trained in treating trauma and narcissistic abuse can be beneficial in the healing process.

Q5: What are Some Warning Signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

A: Some common warning signs of narcissistic personality disorder include a need for excessive attention and admiration, a sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, and a constant need for positive feedback and validation.


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