How to Resign All Minor League Players in OOTP – Keep Top Prospects and Build for the Future!

How to Resign All Minor League Players OOTP: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you new to Out of the Park Baseball and wondering how to resign all minor league players in OOTP? Resigning minor league players is an important aspect of managing your team, as it allows you to keep your prospects and build for the future. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of resigning all minor league players in OOTP.

Step 1: Go to Your Team

To begin, open the game, and go to either the “Home” or “Team” tab. From there, select the team whose minor league players you want to resign.

Step 2: Go to the “Roster” Tab

Once you have selected your team, navigate to the “Roster” tab.

Step 3: Select the Minor League Level

In the “Roster” tab, select the minor league level whose players you want to resign. For example, if you want to resign all players in your Single-A team, select the “Single-A” tab.

Step 4: Select All Players

Next, select all of the players in the minor league level by clicking on the checkbox at the top of the player list. This will select all of the players in the level.

Step 5: Go to “Actions” and Select “Re-Sign All”

After selecting all of the players in the minor league level, click on the “Actions” dropdown menu, and select “Re-Sign All.” This will open a new window.

Step 6: Adjust the Offer Parameters

In the new window that opens, you can adjust the offer parameters for the players. You can set the length of the contract, the signing bonus, and the salary. Once you have set the desired parameters, click “OK” to resign all of the players.

Step 7: Repeat for Other Minor League Levels

Repeat these steps for each minor league level whose players you want to resign.

Step 8: Save Your Work

Finally, make sure to save your work. You can do this by going to the “File” menu and selecting “Save.”


Resigning all minor league players in OOTP can seem daunting at first, but it is a simple process that can be completed with just a few clicks. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can retain your team’s top prospects and build for the future.


1. Can I set different offer parameters for different players?

Yes, you can set different offer parameters for different players by selecting them individually and adjusting the settings in the “Re-Sign Player” window.

2. Do I have to resign all minor league players at once?

No, you can choose to resign players in smaller groups or individually by selecting them and following the same steps outlined in this article.

3. Can I automate the process of resigning minor league players?

Yes, you can use the “Auto-Re-Sign Minor Leaguers” option in the “League Setup” menu to automatically resign minor league players.

4. How often should I resign my minor league players?

It is recommended to resign minor league players once a year, to ensure that their contracts are up to date and that your team retains its top prospects.

5. Can I release players instead of resigning them?

Yes, you can release players from your minor league system instead of resigning them, by selecting them and choosing the “Release” option from the “Actions” menu.


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