Ankush Dutta: The Man Who Stayed in a Five-Star Hotel for Two Years Without Paying!

How Ankush Dutta Stayed at Roseate Hotel for Two Years Without Paying Anything

A recent news article reported that a man named Ankush Dutta stayed at the prestigious Roseate Hotel in Delhi for an astonishing two years without paying anything. This shocking incident created quite a stir in the media, raising questions about the hotel’s security measures and the integrity of its employees. In this article, we will delve deeper into the case and try to understand how Ankush Dutta managed to pull off this audacious feat.

Introduction to Ankush Dutta and Roseate Hotel

Ankush Dutta is the man who is in the spotlight of this story. He checked into the Roseate Hotel in May 2019, with the intention of staying for just one night. However, he extended his stay for nearly two years, checked out without settling his dues, and left the hotel with a bill of Rs 58 lakh.

The Role of Prem Prakash

Prem Prakash is an employee of the hotel and was the head of its Front Office Department. According to the hotel’s complaint, Dutta had a secret accomplice in Prakash, who played a crucial role in facilitating his extended stay without payment. Prakash had unrestricted access to the hotel’s database and was responsible for determining room rates and services provided to guests, as well as keeping track of outstanding payments.

Criminal Conspiracy

The hotel administration suspects that Ankush Dutta might have enticed Prem Prakash with a monetary incentive, leading them to file a police complaint against the two individuals. According to the filed First Information Report (FIR), it is alleged that Ankush, in collaboration with various hotel staff members—both known and unidentified—conspired to wrongfully gain and deprive the hotel of its rightful dues.

How Ankush Dutta Managed to Stay for Two Years

Actions of Ankush Dutta

Dutta allegedly resorted to various tricks to extend his stay in the hotel. He paid three cheques of Rs 10 lakh, Rs 7 lakh and Rs 20 lakh at different dates, but all of them bounced. As per the hotel, he even fudged the account to show that other guests, who stayed in the hotel, paid for Dutta which turned out to be fabricated.

Room Rates and Dues

The hotel’s policy requires the CEO and FC to be informed if a guest’s outstanding bill exceeds 72 hours. This situation has raised concerns about how Dutta’s extended stay remained undetected for such a significant period of time. The hotel administration uncovered that Ankush Dutta had issued three separate checks at different times to settle his dues, but all of them bounced. Prakash, the hotel staff member involved, neglected to notify the hotel management about this important piece of information.

Manipulation of the Hotel’s Software System

The hotel management suspects that Prem Prakash might have received some cash amount from Ankush Dutta for letting him overstay by manipulating its in-house software system that maintains and monitors stay/visit of guests and their accounts. Further investigation is ongoing to uncover the extent of the duo’s conspiracy and their motivations for this fraudulent act.

Legal Implications of the Case

Hotel’s Allegations

The hotel has demanded strict legal action against Ankush Dutta, Prem Prakash, and other staff members involved in this fraudulent act. They have committed criminal offences such as criminal breach of trust, cheating, forgery, and falsification of accounts. A preliminary inquiry by the IGI police showed that prima facie offences were made out, and now they are further probing the matter.

FIR Allegations

The FIR alleges that Prem Prakash fabricated and falsified a large number of entries in Ankush Dutta’s account in the hotel’s software system. Additionally, he forged outstanding payment reports to hide Dutta’s pending dues by combining unrelated guests’ bills. Dutta and Prakash conspired to gain wrongfully and deprive the hotel of its rightful dues.


The case of Ankush Dutta’s prolonged stay at the Roseate Hotel in Delhi highlights the need for stricter security measures and employee training in hotels. This incident has put a spotlight on the power of the hotel’s employees and the hotel administration’s policies regarding billing and due payments. It remains to be seen what legal actions will be taken against the alleged perpetrators of this fraud.


1. Did Ankush Dutta actually stay at the Roseate Hotel for two years without paying anything?

Yes, according to the hotel’s complaint and the filed FIR, Ankush Dutta stayed at the Roseate Hotel for two years without paying anything.

2. What role did Prem Prakash play in this fraudulent act?

Prem Prakash was the head of the Front Office Department at the hotel and had unrestricted access to the hotel’s database. He allegedly aided Ankush Dutta in evading his financial obligations and manipulated the hotel’s software system to hide Dutta’s pending dues.

3. What legal actions are being taken against Ankush Dutta and Prem Prakash?

The hotel has demanded strict legal action against Ankush Dutta, Prem Prakash, and other staff members involved in this fraudulent act. The case is being investigated by the IGI police and is still ongoing.

4. How did Ankush Dutta manage to stay at the hotel without paying anything?

Ankush Dutta allegedly paid three separate checks at different times to settle his dues, but all of them bounced. He also fudged the account to show that other guests paid for his stay, which turned out to be fabricated. Additionally, Prem Prakash manipulated the hotel’s software system to hide Dutta’s pending dues.

5. What are the implications of this incident for hotel security and employee training?

This incident highlights the need for stricter security measures and employee training in hotels. Hotel employees should be trained to identify fraudulent activities, and hotel administration should update their policies regarding billing and due payments to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.


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