Unlock the Secrets of South Hogwarts With Hogwarts Legacy: Discover How to Open Its Hidden Treasure Vaults!

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are nine Treasure Vaults in the South Hogwarts Region.

In Hogwarts Legacy, South Hogwarts can be found between the North Hogwarts Region and the Hogwarts Valley Region. As the location of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Lower Hogsfield village, where some side quests can be found, it is the first area that players will be able to explore.

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can find Treasure Vaults that give you a Gear chest in addition to the usual quests and hidden treasures. To enter or acquire the treasure in some of these vaults, you must solve a puzzle.

How to Open the South Hogwarts Treasure Vaults in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, nine Treasure Vaults are located in the South Hogwarts Region. The protagonists will come across enchanted cubes that require particular spells to be cast while solving some of the puzzles.

Treasure Vault #1

The primary vault is tracked down in the most distant west of the Lower Hogsfield Floo Fire. Burn the vines that are preventing you from entering with a fire spell, then go inside to get the treasure. Depulso is used to remove a pile of rocks from behind which the chest is hidden.

Treasure Vault #2

The second vault can be found by traveling north from the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame. In Hogwarts Legacy, drag the enchanted cube back to its platform and cast a fire spell with Accio or Wingardium Leviosa. To get the treasure, go into the cave.

Treasure Vault #3

The Aranshire Floo Flame can be found southwest of the third vault. The entrance to the vault can be found by flying to the mountain’s base. To locate the enchanted cube, turn north from the location of the platform. Guide it back and use Levioso to open the cavern.

Cast Revelio once inside and stand on the designated area of the floor to be taken to the other side. Rehash the stage multiple times to track down the chest.

Treasure Vault #4

North of the Aranshire waypoint is the next Treasure Vault. Alohomora II, on the other hand, must be collected in Hogwarts Legacy because it is necessary to open the vault door.

Utilizing the two portals, follow the floating leaves until they transform into a chest to obtain the treasure.

Treasure Vault #5

Fly north from the Aranshire Floo Flame and summon a Broom or a flying mount in Hogwarts Legacy to locate the hidden entrance between trees. Return the enchanted cube to the platform by turning south to view it. Go inside to claim the treasure after casting Levioso.

Treasure Vault #6

Fly south from the top of a hill and return to the Aranshire waypoint. Alohomora II can be used to open the treasure chest by casting a spell on the lock. The cave’s Inferius could be lurking there.

Treasure Vault #7

Because the previous vault is close by, keep going south to find the entrance to the seventh vault behind some trees close to the dirt path. To enter the enchanted cube in the north, a fire spell is required.

There will be two rotating platforms inside, one of which will have a lit brazier. In Hogwarts Legacy, walk to the latter, turn it off with Glacius, and the platform will rotate to the location of the chest.

Treasure Vault #8

Southwest of the Aranshire Floo Flame is the eighth Treasure Vault. To reach the vault, dive into the water. To use Accio to pull the lever inside, head toward the closed gate and turn right. The next room houses two Hogwarts Legacy chests.

Treasure Vault #9

Fly north from the Brocburrow Floo Flame to locate a partially blocked entrance. Cast Depulso and enter the room to retrieve the treasure.

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