The featured Pokemon for the anticipated February 2023 Community Day event in Pokemon GO has been revealed by The Pokemon Company and Niantic.
The Pokemon Company and Niantic have already selected Noibat as the Pokemon for the February 2023 Pokemon GO Community Day. The Flying/Dragon-type Pokemon will receive more rewards during the upcoming Pokemon GO Community Day event for a limited time.
Every month, Pokemon GO Community Day features a well-known Pokemon with a unique Charged Attack move for their final evolution and increased appearance rates. During the monthly Community Day event, players also have a better chance of meeting a Shiny version of the selected Pokemon.
There are a number of bonuses available during the event, such as increased Stardust rewards, catch XP rewards and the effectiveness of lure modules. Players are encouraged to participate for additional rewards and Shiny Pokemon because Community Day is one of the most popular monthly events in Pokemon GO.
Niantic revealed that Noibat and its evolution, Noivern, were chosen as the featured Pokemon for the Pokemon GO Community Day event in February 2023, which will take place on February 5 from 2 to 5 p.m. local time.
During the event’s three hours, Noibat will appear more frequently, and the Abundant Noise Special Research item will cost $1. Due to an additional appearance rate increase, Pokemon GO players who purchase and use the Abundant Noise item will see Noibat appear even more frequently. As a bonus for participating in Community Day, Noibats who transform into Noivern on February 5 will acquire the unique Boomburst Charged Attack.

Thankfully, players will still be able to catch Noibat after the first three hours of the event. Pokemon GO players can participate in Bonus Battle Raids from 5 to 10 p.m. local time to battle Noibats and increase the appearance rates of their Pokemon if they win the raid. On Community Day, free-to-play Pokemon GO players are encouraged to grind raid battles by gaining 30 minutes of Noibat encounters for every victory.
Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokemon, was previously featured at the January 2023 Community Day event for Pokemon GO. On January 21, Pokemon GO will host the Community Day Classic event with Larvitar before the February 5 Community Day event begins. Worldwide Pokemon GO players appear to be extremely busy in the first month of 2023.
Major in-game events are planned throughout the year for Pokemon GO, ensuring the game’s continued popularity in 2023.
Those needing to go with their Pokemon might anticipate the Pokemon GO Visit: Hoenn’s two-day event next month in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tickets for the event, which will take place on February 18 and 19, will cost $30 on the official Pokemon GO website.
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