xQc and adept are two popular streamers known by the public on Twitch. The most recent public separation between adeptthebest and xQc may mark the end of their on-and-off romance.

As new problems crop up on the network each week, Twitch has recently been no stranger to controversy. The service is mired in trouble due to public outrage from its content providers switching to other streaming platforms. Popular streamer CQC and adeptthebest, often known as Adept, are forging on into uncharted seas following a public fight, despite this not being a recent development in the news.
XQc and Adept are not the first and most definitely won’t be the last pair to call it quits in public, but the way they handled it has left many people questioning if the relationship and how it ended were good for either online personality.
What Happened Before And After The Breakup
Even though this second separation started at the start of September, the conflict lasted throughout the month, impacting xQc’s relations with other streamers. On September 15, in front of a viewership of around 125,000, they got into a fight on a Livestream, shouting at one another over their previous relationship.
Some viewers accused xQc of being insensitive and encouraging harassment of his previous housemate Adept during such a public argument with private information. In response, xQc made a statement regarding the double standard of people talking about their opinions about his platform.
But given that xQc said he “was pressured into choosing among both family and Sammy (Adept),” the causes of their breakup in September are probably still there. He says she didn’t get along with his family, especially his brother, and that this was making him very stressed out personally. The relationship terminated for other reasons as well, but this was a major contributing element.
Relationship Background Of xQc And Adept
xQc and Adept had previously split up, and their relationship has a tumultuous past. They had previously parted in August 2021, but by December of the same year, they had come back together in the public eye, shamelessly flirting with each other on Twitter and other social media sites.

People are still speculating about whether CQC and Adept had rekindled an old passion after meeting in person as TwitchCon San Diego 2022 enters its last day. It wouldn’t come as a complete surprise given that the two streamers had previously concealed their relationship from viewers and that, when they initially started dating, they merely acknowledged one another as roommates.
Since the two looked to have suffered from mental health issues as a result of public arguments, being friends is already a huge step forward for the two. The majority of Twitch seems to have already moved on to fresh drama, such JustAMinx getting charged with extortion against another broadcaster.
We’ll have to wait and see if xQc and Adept will date once more or stick with their platonic relationship.
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