A related backstory book for the next expansion of the same name, The Dragonflight Codex, was just made public by World of Warcraft. A popular World of Warcraft character’s hidden identity as a dragon, according to the description for the new book, seemed to be a revolutionary revelation.
When Will The Book Come Out?
The date for World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, dubbed “the definitive WoW fan’s guide to everything dragons,” is set for July 11, 2023. The 192-page book promises more than 100 brand-new pictures and will go into great length regarding the skills and background of the dragons, dracthyr, and other inhabitants of the Dragon Isles. Khadgar, one of World of Warcraft’s most recognizable archmagi, will be the protagonist of the novel.

Khadgar was listed as belonging to the Bronze Dragonflight on the Amazon page, though. This ostensibly fresh information was a discovery that would change everything for a character who originally appeared in Warcraft 1—at least for a short while, till the World of Warcraft narrative head Steve Danuser showed up to clear up the uncertainty. Danuser acknowledged that the popular archmage Khadgar was not a dragon and that the listing had incorrectly claimed that he belonged to the Bronze Dragonflight.
What To Expect From The Book?
The Dragonflight Codex must contribute something worthwhile towards the execution of the works of Azeroth while being considerate of its readership if it is to give a satisfying World of Warcraft lore experience. The third installment of the World of Warcraft atlas collection, Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, will also be available in November. Players may have greater faith in The Dragonflight Codex if this new World of Warcraft book will please them in a manner that the prior installment failed to.

A skill in Warlords of Draenor named Call of the Timewalkers in honor of the World of Warcraft mortals who cooperate with the Bronze Dragonflight. Due to this listing mistake, many people are unsure if The Dragonflight Codex will expand on this prior rumor and confirm or refute Khadgar’s relationship here to Bronze Dragonflight in another manner.
The latest World of Warcraft lore novel has players happy. Due to their flimsy plots and heavy reliance on offensive stereotypes, The Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor were met with mediocre receptions.
A would-be for Azeroth: The ABC’s of World of Warcraft was stated in the entry for World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, which is interestingly enough. Christie Golden, author of the World of Warcraft series, will pen this 32-page children’s book, which will be published on July 25th, 2023.
Players can run World of Warcraft on their Personal Computers. November 28 marks the debut of Dragonflight.
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