Tutorial to Customize the Locker in Splatoon 3

Ever for the reason that launch of Splatoon at the Wii U, enthusiasts were inquiring for residences to beautify withinside the clean 90s fashion the collection is understood for. Though they may be now no longer pretty as big, gamers have been given the possibility to beautify lockers.

Here’s the whole thing you want to understand approximately in which to locate your locker, the way to improve it, and in which you may locate decorations with which to spruce it up.

Lockers are a new feature in Splatoon 3. Players can customize lockers with decals, banners, weapons, gear, and decorations ranging from stuffed animals to comics.

Once you reach level 4 you can go to the general store and check out Harmony. She will give you a catalog and give you access to the changing room in the lobby. Even if it looks like a black wall at first, teaching it may prompt you to go into

The dressing room can be seen in the online multiplayer lobby to the left of the sellout machine and cafeteria where you can buy food for the stage fast. You can upgrade your locker to your heart’s content and simply live out your innovative skills. How to upgrade your locker:

  1. Press A to connect to
    your locker
  2. Press + to edit your locker. You can press ZR to open your locker and zoom in to enhance nature if you wish.
  3. Press X to open the menu and use L and R to select equipment in extraordinary folders.
  4. Press A to interact with an item, or hold A while dragging the left stick through different gadgets to carry more than one gadget at a time
  5. Move gadgets around the locker with the left stick
  6. Press L and R to tilt devices.
  7. Press ZL and ZR to rotate the devices 90 degrees.
  8. Move the right stick to view the devices; However, you can tilt and rotate them with the side buttons.
  9. Press Y to place the devices.


Atlantis is the new thing Store preferred, managed through Harmony. After reaching class 4, you will receive a catalog and the opportunity to buy gadgets. Sells stickers and signs that can be used to dress up the outside and inside of your locker, and advertise larger decorations that can be placed inside.

Your inventory changes every day, so be sure to keep returns!


Once you receive the catalog from Harmony, make a purchase Factors to level up through attraction in online multiplayer suits like Turf War and Salmon Run. As you level up your locker, you’ll earn Harmony rewards like stickers and decorations.

Catalogs rotate every few months, each time adding new devices for you to stock up on. Make sure you play online regularly to get as many rewards as possible!


The single-player campaign known as Hero Mode takes place in a peculiar land called Alternate. As you explore the area, you may come across huge plumes of fluffy mud that will turn anyone who touches them into a ball of fluff. Power Eggs that you collect throughout your journey.

By removing regions of Fuzzy Ooze you can unlock mysteries, some of which are decorations and decals.

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