Fallout 2 Discovered the New Route of Easter Eggs. In the Witcher 3. Wild Hunt.

In the year of 1998 Fallout, 2 came into the market industry in two possible versions. The very first one is known as the main copy and the second one is named the critical one. The unit of production which produced Fallout 2 faced a huge financial crisis at the early beginning.
 Due to a shortage of money and power the production unit of Fallout 2 is being purchased by Bethesda. Hard luck of Interplay exit Fallout in the year 2000. As they did not give up that early later they worked on a project made by them only.
The game then goes on and enters the second phase as well. In the game, while playing interesting players will meet the character who will be named Sulik. This special character will be portrayed as good ones and act like a friend of theirs. The male character is from a village side by the river Great Salt Water. He appeared out over here in the search of his sister who was lost, named as Kurisu.

Fans were very much unhappy about the release of Fallout 3 as the search for the sister was not shown in the series. Reports claimed that these happened because of due shortage of money management and time management by the unit. The plot of The Witcher 3. Wild Hunt is the feature that is done in the Islands of Skellige. The time moves forward it is claimed that the shooting is also completed.

The users of Reddit are always ready to draw some comparisons. In the recent meeting, they show the parallelism between the two plots present. One is the plot of Sulik in the series of Fallout 2 and the other was the Witcher 3 in the Wild Hunt.

The character who is searching for her sister will have a face-to-face encounter with the Geralt as well. All the players of the game will reunite and all will run to Skellige Islands so that they can find the special character named Kurisu.

In the game, all of them will feature with different identities but according to the game, there will be a very odd situation as well.

Some other unofficial sites of the game said that the designer for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game is Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz. He later opened up and said he was one of the loyal followers of Fallout’s story.

In the history of these types of games for the second time, it happened that Vault Dweller was not the part in the game as the main character. All these together made them feel like an Easter Egg only.

Though the game will be interesting at some parts as boring on occasions because there are plenty of characters with the same name and same story as well.

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