Blizzard Has Announced That Overwatch Will No Longer Sell Loot Boxes.

Later a long wait, the release of Overwatch 2 is just about the corner. The game aims to make a few changes from the original, comprising how it handles monetization and loot boxes. In many games, loot chests are applied in such a way that players voluntarily decide whether to receive premium items and cosmetics.

Buying or finding chests gives players access to massive loot, but can also reveal less interesting stuff. The era of loot boxes available for purchase on Overwatch has ended and will continue until Overwatch 2 is released.

Wait a long time. The release of Overwatch 2 is just around the corner. The game target to make a few modifications from the original, including how monetization and loot chests are handled. Many games use loot boxes to give players the freedom to decide whether to receive premium items and cosmetics. Purchasing or finding chests gives players access to huge loot, but can also disclose less fascinating stuff. The days of loot boxes being sold on Overwatch are over and will continue until Overwatch 2.

The in-game currency will also change, so there will be an adjustment period for most players going forward. Existing currencies such as OWL credits and tokens will carry over to the new game, but not all items in the new store will be available for purchase in this currency.

Instead, a new in-game currency is added that players can exchange for real money. While Overwatch loot chests are unique, loot chests, in general, have generated a lot of controversy over the years. Players are often frustrated with buying and obtaining loot chests, and the government has even proposed banning loot chests altogether, declaring them a form of gambling. Whether players love it or hate it, Overwatch’s loot chests will soon become a thing of the past.

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