The gorgeous T.V star Kim Kardashian announced on her Instagram story that she passed the Baby Bar exam. And she has scored highest in the exam. Her essay will be shown to future students for reference. So in today’s article, let’s talk about Kim’s achievement and her reaction.

Kim is a 41-year-old reality show star. And she was studying for the Baby Bar exam for the past three years. And after getting failure in three attempts, she finally aced the exam. For those who don’t know what the Baby Bar exam is here is a short description for you-
The Baby Bar exam is a qualifying exam in California to enter Law school. Only those applicants can take part in the exam who have completed one year of law study. And also they need to take part in California’s Law office/judge program. This is a four-hour exam. Here applicants need to answer four essay questions and 100 multiple-choice questions. After passing the exam, one will get direct admission to Law school.
Kim Kardashian’s essay gets Law Professor’s attention:

Last Saturday, Kim shared her passing news with her followers through her Instagram story. She said she is very happy and proud of herself. Later she also reposted an image from her Law professional Sam Farkes’s private account. The professional wrote under the image that he is very proud of Kim Kardashian. He also wrote well done Kim.
On top of the image, Kim shared her reaction. She wrote Kinda freak out. After receiving a lot of messages from her followers about the story. She went on and explained the whole situation properly.
She wrote a lengthy post clarifying everything about the post. She wrote that the story means not only did she pass the Baby Bar exam but also her answer essay will be used as a model for future studens. She also said that she is been trying very hard to pass the exam.
Kim further wrote, “I legit screamed when my professor Sam told me about it”. As per her, the Baby Bar exam was her only option to study law. She also thinks that if her father was alive then he would be so proud of her.
Kim also thanked her two professors for putting effort into teaching her.
In the end, Kim wrote that her journey proves that we can achieve anything we set our eyes on and never give up on our goals.
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