Netflix is heating things up with a new romantic series as summer flings approach, but it’s almost too sticky-sweet. Actually, scratch that—Heartstopper is adorably lovely. It’s fantastic! It’s fantastic! It can’t possibly go wrong!
Heartstopper will, well, stop your heart, with a passionate fan following chanting its praises all over social media, twee music taken right from a 2010 Tumblr account, and the loveliest two adolescents portraying the protagonists. (And, no, I’m not sorry for the cheesy pun.)
More realistically, it will make your heart skip a beat, flip around and flutter with joy, shatter into a million pieces, etc.—all the swoony Hallmark things—as little Charlie (Joe Locke) experiences the epic highs and lows of high-school football.
Because Charlie is gay, dating at his all-boys school is difficult. His first lover seemed to be smitten with him, scurrying about the school to make out in corners and expressing their affections for one other through Instagram DMs. But he’s not going to tell anyone.
Even though Charlie has plenty of wallflower issues, he’s still pretty confident about being gay and has a real, thriving romance of his own with another bloke, which is one of Heartstopper’s charms: even though Charlie has plenty of wallflower issues, he’s still pretty confident about being gay and has a real, thriving romance of his own with another bloke.
Charlie is recruited for the rugby squad by Nick (Kit Connor), a sports guy. Nick doesn’t just walk in all dashing and charming to steal Charlie’s breath away; his character has a hilarious twist—but more on that later.
The chemistry between them is jaw-dropping. Heartstopper is a must-see for anybody who enjoys rom-coms, coming-of-age stories, or anything else that comes into the “feel good” area of television. Another round of applause for the music, which manages to suit the atmosphere of the project and sound like it was pulled right off Charlie’s Spotify, with songs like “Don’t Delete the Kisses” by Wolf Alice, Frankie Cosmos, Maggie Rogers, and others.
Heartstopper, Alice Oseman’s first webcomic, has a devoted following. They flocked in droves as soon as the eight-episode batch was released on Netflix. Their adoration for the Heartstopper fans sent the series to the top of Twitter’s trending list, with an outpouring of support for the adaptation.
Fans are particularly taken aback by the number of parallels between the series and the webcomic, and are happy that the original material was treated with such reverence. Remember how in Episode 1 there was a pen explosion? That is a direct quote from the comic.
But we haven’t even gotten to the finest portion of the concert yet. That occurs at the end of the first chapter of the program, in Episode 1: Olivia Colman, who won an Academy Award for her role as Nick’s loving mother, makes a surprise visit. Talk about a heart-stopper when I first saw her face! (Once again, I make no apologies!)
After Colman joined the cast, Oseman had the same response. When Colman’s name was first proposed, Oseman said, “I genuinely felt this was the craziest idea ever.” “I believed there was no way she could do it.”
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