Doctor Strange 2 MAIN VILLIAN Scarlet Witch? Who is The Actual Villian in Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness?

For a variety of reasons, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is shaping up to be the most important Marvel Studios release of the year. The superhero sequel will send the titular sorcerer on a wild new adventure that will bring a new level of insanity and terror to the cinematic realm (according to filmmaker Sam Raimi). Fans are especially excited to see more of Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Mamixmoff, and some are theorizing that the Scarlet Witch may be the main villain of the film. Raimi has now revealed his opinions on who might be the antagonist.

The public’s perception of Wanda as the film’s Big Bad is quite reasonable. The young woman expressed her anger for the double standard linked with the mistakes she and Strange had committed in the latest full teaser for Doctor Strange 2. There’s also the issue that she’s looking for her two sons, Billy and Tommy, who have been taunted in a less-than-optimistic manner. Is that enough to make her go mad and create multiverse-wide havoc? It’s a distinct possibility. However, when asked who the film’s villain is, Sam Raimi refused to select just one character:

There are iterations of our characters all around the multiverse, after all. So, if I mention Strange… I’m not supposed to answer this question, but it’s possible that I’m referring to an altered Strange. Wanda and Mordo are in the same boat. But, at different moments, I’d say all of the above.

Any of the aforementioned figures could function as an opponent at some time in the plot, according to the fan-favorite filmmaker’s comments to Fandango

  • Aside from Maximoff, Karl Mordo, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, has a quarrel with Stephen Strange.
  • Mordo seems to be looking to minimize the amount of magic-wielders in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the post-credits sequence of the original 2016 film (streamable with a Disney+ subscription).
  • As a result, it’s a good bet that he’ll give Strange a headache.

As Sam Raimi has stated, the movie’s versions may be considered antagonists as well. Most MCU fans are definitely worried about the evil Strange, who looks a lot like What If…Evil ?’s Sorcerer Supreme. “Things just got out of hand,” the alternate Strange says hauntingly in trailers and TV advertisements. I’d say that suggests he’s capable of causing a lot of havoc.

Apart from these possibilities, it’s entirely likely that Sam Raimi and his team are planning a significant twist. There has to be a main villain somewhere in the story, and it could very well be someone that the audience doesn’t expect.

However, the possibility of Wanda becoming a Doctor Strange foe during Multiverse of Madness is interesting. It would not only be exciting to watch, but it would also indicate whether Scarlet Witch is genuinely stronger than Strange. While it’s still too early to say whether or not this will be the case, we don’t have much longer to wait to find out. MAY 6 is Coming Soon. (p.s Its already April)


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