Just imagine for a moment our Moon is made of gas! How would you react to it?
In today’s article, we will talk about these Gas moons in our Solar system in detail. We will also discuss Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter. So with that said let’s dive into the article.

Why Our Moon is not made of Gas?
Our Moon is a rocky component. According to scientists, gas components are made of pure Hydrogen.
Hydrogen gas is much less dense than rock. So now you can think if our Moon was made of Hydrogen then it would grow bigger than our Earth. Size also matters for these gas components.
Jupiter’s enormous size is the main reason that the gas component can stay in space. As per astronauts, if their size was too small then gravity force won’t be powerful enough to hold them.
As per Lunine, if our Moon’s atmosphere was Hydrogenic; the atmosphere would escape due to the thermal effect of the Sun. In easy words, the Sun’s warmth would cause the Hydrogen to evaporate.
So Hydrogen-composed Moon in the distance of Earth is not stable. We all know that Earth’s Moon is made of tidal forces from Earth that’s why it can pull out a bit but it will not tear apart from Earth as it has some strength.
So in the context of the above, it is clear why Our Moon is not made of gas.
Other Gas Moons:
In our Solar system, many gas moons exist. The first time the term ” Gas Giants” was used by author James Blish in a science-fiction in 1952. Till now everything, we know about these big plants from observing them via telescope.
So per many scientists, Jupiter is one of the big gas giants in our solar system. Scientists have discovered that Jupiter has a radius 11th time bigger than our Earth. This planet is mainly made of Hydrogen and William.
Its dense core is made of ice and rocks. Scientists still are searching for answers such as how Jupiter is made of these elements.
Saturn’s radius is also 9 times bigger than Earth’s. It is the second-largest planet in our solar system. In recent studies, it was found that Saturn’s atmosphere is quite similar to Earth. Saturn’s rings are very famous in the science community.
It is called ” Ringed Planet”. It is also a gas giant made of Hydrogen and Helium. Saturn has 62 moons and Titan is the biggest of them.
Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system. We can see it with a telescope. It is the first gas giant that was discovered by a telescope. Its atmosphere is made of Hydrogen and Helium. It is blue-green due to Methane in its atmosphere. Its atmosphere is the coldest due to very little interaction with Sun.
Uranus has the most unusual weather in the system. As per NASA, when in a few years sunlight touches Uranus’s few areas, it triggers a heavy Strome in the atmosphere.
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