Nintendo is closing down the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems, eliminating the ability to buy digital games, download game demos, or get free content, among other things. Even before that, changes are in the works for how you may purchase whatever titles or DLC you desire on these systems.
However, Nintendo notes that users will still be able to redownload titles and DLC, receive software updates, and play online games beyond this time for the “foreseeable future.” Nothing is changing for the Nintendo Switch, obviously.
So, here’s a brief overview of what’s going on.
- It will no longer be allowed to use a credit card to add cash to a Nintendo eShop account on the Wii U or the Nintendo 3DS family of platforms after May 23, 2022.
- It will no longer be allowed to use a Nintendo eShop Card to finance a Nintendo eShop account on the Wii U or the Nintendo 3DS family of platforms after August 29, 2022. However, download vouchers can still be redeemed until late March 2023.
- Purchases through the Nintendo eShop for the Wii U system and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems will no longer be permitted after late March 2023. It will also be unable to download free material, such as game demos.
In response, The Pokémon Company has stated that the premium Pokémon Bank system, which allows you to move Pokémon across games and platforms, would be made free to use for a limited time following the closing of the 3DS eShop. For how long? Nobody knows right now. It’s hardly surprising that Nintendo is making this move now. The Nintendo Wii U was a disaster for Nintendo, and it was quickly superseded by the Nintendo Switch, with Nintendo developing a practice of moving all of the intriguing Wii U titles to the new system. Shutting down the 3DS is more shocking, given Nintendo has doubled down on the device, with first-party titles still arriving through early 2019. However, the device was initially introduced in 2011, and Nintendo plans to abandon the platform in 2020.

Nintendo already shut down the DSiWare shop for the Nintendo DSi in 2017 and the Wii Shop Channel in 2019. Not only that, but they’ve already shut down online gaming services, such as the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, which was utilized on the Wii and DS, and the Miiverse, which was a key component of the quirky social efforts of the Wii U and 3DS.
They’re not alone in attempting to do so; Sony announced the shutdown of the PS3 and PS Vita digital storefronts last year, only to reverse their decision following widespread outrage.
All of this serves as another reminder of the transience of digital purchases on game consoles, which is particularly distressing at a time when digital sales are accounting for an increasing amount of total sales. As console makers’ involvement with older consoles declines, as do the number of purchases and income generated by them, companies ultimately reach a point where they want or need to discontinue support for those systems. The technical aspect of this is that outdated frameworks for these systems may disclose vulnerabilities in servers, and the expense of continuing to upgrade the system becomes too expensive in comparison to the revenues. Removing the opportunity to buy fresh material is a straightforward method to close that possible attack channel.
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