Gamers are very excited about Elden Ring game that was launched on Feb 25, 2022. It’s an action roleplay game. Gamers are very much excited about this new game. The game is praised by many critics for its difficulty level and gameplay. FromSoftware(developer)and Bandai Namco(publisher) have launched this game and it has created a buzz in the gaming community. Gamers are eager to try this game. You can play Elden Ring single as well as multiplayer. The game is released on PS 5, PS 4, Xbox series, Xbox X/S, and Microsoft Windows. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks for beginners. Let’s find out more about Elden Ring:

Elden Ring Characters:
According to, this time FromSoftware has done a pretty good job in characterization. In Elder Ring, the characters are so much like real-life people. You can choose your skin color as per your choice. Face shading and color look very natural in this game. You can choose an avatar like you. The only downside of the game is that you can only have black hair color. If you are a beginner you can choose the Samurai class, they are a good starting option. If you want magic you can choose Astrologer. Other characters in the game are Prophet, The Warrior, Hero, Vegabond, Bandit, Prisoner, and Wretch.

Elden Ring Storyline:
Elder Ring is set in a dark fantasy world. It’s an open-field action play game. If you don’t want any spoilers then you should skip this part. The story plot revolves around a fantasy land that was ruled by Queen Marika’s bloodline. You can except realm like other soul games and also tenacious mobs in every corner of the game. The story moves around Elder Ring, which got shattered and sent to different areas in the world. You will play as a descendent of the tarnished. The player’s job will be to find the sherds of the ring and restore it to its actual state. After that, you will earn the title of Elder Lord.
FromSoftware is very famous for its threatening bosses in every corner, Elder Game is also the same. Here you will have to fight a total of 83 bosses. The no includes main bosses, mini-bosses, and field-bosses. 74 bosses are uniquely designed for the game. No matter where you are in this dark fantasy world you will have to fight a boss. The open-world between the lands is the perfect place for epic boss encounters in Elder Ring. While mini-bosses roam around the land freely and epic bosses are hiding behind the dungeon doors. If you want to win the encounter you need to upgrade your armors and weapons. Leveling up is also a good idea for the player if he/she faces difficulty with bosses.
Tips and Tricks for the beginners:
Here are some tips and tricks for the beginners who find Elder Ring hard:
1. The world of Elden Ring is quite big. If you don’t want to roam everywhere on foot, you can use hoarse or you can run. You will not need stamina for this. However, once you enter the combat or be in front of an enemy, your running will start consuming stamina so be aware of that.
2. According to, a player should try to cover every stone in Elder Ring as he/she explores the world in the game.
4. After you have chosen a class in Elder Ring, you should focus on strengthening your powers. You should level up your attributes and try to find a proper weapon for yourself. You should also focus on improving your armaments with smithing stone as it will help you fight the bosses.
5. As there’s a day/night option available in the game, you should try to use that to watch when patrolling is low. Then you can plan your attack on the enemy. If you are facing difficulty you can try an online partner.
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