Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has been one of the most talked-about games this year. Upon its release on the Nintendo Switch players stormed on the platform and got hooked up instantly. The game itself offers a relaxing playstyle with a lot of interactive features to take advantage of with friends.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people have been staying at home and their only means of entertainment is videogames. Animal Crossing fits in perfectly with the description of a relaxing chill day at home with friends on the other side. According to a report by DataFirm last month was the best month statistically speaking for the franchise’s history with lifetime player spending shooting past $150 million.
Just about a week in, sales shot up by 229% week over week to about $1.9 million while player spending went up by 106% at about $1.7 million. Now, this is nothing compared to when the launch of “New Horizons” a mobile app allowing players to enjoy the game on their mobile phones both iOS and Android. Downloads grew by over 550% from the previous month to a whopping $8.4 million.

The month of April proved to be the best month for the franchise generating about $7.9 million in player spending alone. Now the New Mobile Horizons app proved to be extremely lucrative for the majority of players came in from Japan collecting over $112.8 million total spendings to date making up for almost 3 fourths of the total revenue. The U.S came in second with almost $30 million making up for 19% of the revenue. It is more than clear that the release on mobile devices has been a vital ingredient for its success and in these times of despair, it just seems to be the right call allowing the most number of players to hop on the bandwagon and just have a good time.