Two New Games Added to Xbox One Backward Compatibility List

Today, two new games got added to the Xbox One Backward Compatibility List. With these new titles, Xbox One owners can now enjoy a very wide range of Xbox 360 titles on their console.

The new games that got added today to the Xbox One backward compatibility list are:

  • Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2. (Buy here)
  • Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions. (Buy here)

Geometry Wars 2 costs $10 USD and Geometry Wars 3 costs $15 USD on the Xbox Store. If you already own these titles, they’ll pop up in your Xbox game library. Geometry Wars 2 was launched back in 2008 and it’s sequel, Geometry Wars 3, was launched in 2014. Both titles were very well received by the critics. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions is available natively on the Xbox One but it’s added to the backward compatibility list anyways.

With these new titles, the backward compatibility list is expanding quickly. The list already has over 300 titles. For more, keep it set on GeeksULTD.


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